Your book cover should be as stand-out as the contents of your book and should tell readers something about it. In our diverse collection of fictional books, our expert designers then create visually captivating cover designs that suit your story’s themes or setting, dark and fantastical, romantic and dreamy, eerie and thrill-seeking, and more. Every design developed for a piece is intended to grab the attention of the potential readers bringing them into your fictional universe before even opening the book. When it comes to non-fictional books, we concentrate on professional approach and result. Our designs may be used in memoirs, business, or self-help books among others; the message is always clear, and our work lends credibility to the book to ensure that it speaks to the targeted audience. In addition to creative design, we use your books’ concept thereby making the covers not just aesthetically appealing but also meaningful. We invite you to tell us more about the specific type of cover that will promote your book’s uniqueness!
First and foremost, all our services revolve around our creative and innovative designers who are our life and soul. By analyzing the features of the markets for specific genres, the preferences of the target audience, and focusing on the conceptual potential of covers, our team can offer products that meet customer needs and impress them. Whether you need a potent imagery for a fiction/guise as a cover for your fiction book or a sleek business-like image for your non-fiction – they are the best in spinning your visions into enthralling realities. Our designers work really closely with you and reflect your spirit and visions of your book with the colors, the typography and the images. Full of passion and commitment they ensure your book is not only unique but also easily distinguishable from the rest within bookstores and on applications. Design is also an important aspect in the production of books, and our designers ensure that once the work is printed the book is as marketable as possible. Call our specialists and let the professionals turn your story into art!
May your book have a cover as phenomenal as the words that have come out of it. With our custom book cover design, we guarantee that all or any details match your book in terms of the message, and mood. Whether it’s a clean and simple font, or a detailed illustration we ensure your target audience is grabbed on the first glance. Let us create a cover that is eye-popping and at the same time narrates your story well.
Make the readers get involved with your story before they open the book. The fiction and other genres’ covers we provide depict the mood, theme, and the emotional flow of the story in art.
Impart the sense of reliability and seriousness in relation to the content of your non-fiction books with the help of appropriate design. We pay attention to clean design and the use of images that are relevant to the topic or course of study.
Make your ebooks visible and appealing in the digital marketplace with ebook covers designed for the Web. Our designs make sure your book looks good on any device.
First of all, let’s start with your book description, including the main idea, subjects, and audience. During the consultation process, all the critical aspects need to be evaluated for the actualization of your vision.
Our creative professionals individually come up with and draw out preliminary designs that correspond to your book’s classification. Every two ideas conceived to enclose the ability to attract and engage all its readers.
After approving a concept, we pay attention to every aspect, from colors and fonts to images and icons, guaranteeing that the design meets your requirements.
Upon finalizing the final adjustments of the project, we send you a high-resolution file for your book cover to enable it to be unique in the market.
For you to get our book cover design service, you will need to go through a consultation process to help us determine the genre, themes and target group of the book that needs the cover design. In addition to creating the front cover we offer design of the back cover as well and strive to have its images match the content of your book. We make sure that our designs fit your purpose, and will not have problems when converted for print and/or ebook. Once you receive the first idea, you can have as many revisions rounds to work on the cover until you meet your approval. After approval, we deliver the files in high resolution in various formats for publishing.
Yes, we let you make several changes to the design for it to be closer to what you want it to be. Once you review what we have produced and written for the first draft, we ensure that all the changes you want to see in aspects such as imagery, fonts, colors, and layout are incorporated into the layout. At this stage, we encourage teamwork as well as ensuring that the final look of the cover depict what the book is all about. The aim here is to get a cover you will be happy with.
Yes, we offer ourselves mainly in the area of cover design for hard and soft copies. We deliver both paperback covers with specified spine measurements and matched eBook covers regularly and effectively. We also make sure that it can be compatible with other popular self-publishing services. Both the content and the cover design of each website are created in the style that allows them to be used in print media as well.
The time it takes to create a custom book cover is roughly between a week to 2 weeks, depending on the intricacy of the project and the number of revisions. Our goal is to provide high quality designs within a given project period. If you have a special date you wish to stick to for instance when you are launching a book, please do let us know. You can schedule us and we will fit your demands and the importance of a certain project to your preference regarding the design.
Our company prints covers to all categories of books including fictions, non-fictions, memoir, children, fantasy, romance, and self-help among others. Every single genre comes with specific design needs, and our staff tries to make covers that will appeal to your patrons. Regardless of whether you are publishing a mystery bestseller or a guide, our specialists make a design that will emphasize the purpose of your book and correspond to contemporary standards. This means that our objective is to make a cover that will attract clients’ attention and also appeal on your book.
Don’t miss the opportunity to use the 70% off coupon on getting your perfect book cover design at a better deal. Whether you have a new fiction or non-fiction book, our skilled designers are eager to bring to life an envelope that would reflect your work. Don’t let this great opportunity pass you by to give your book the exposure it deserves!